Majesty & Miraj

A short story behind a commission calligraphy artwork ‘Majesty’ I created in 2020 which explains the glory of our Prophet Muhammad as he ascends to Al-Isra wal-Mir’aaj. Before we look into its meaning, let us know about the event of Al-Isra wal-Miraj.

In Islam, Al Isra wal Miraj (27th Rajab) is believed to be the night in which the beloved Prophet ﷺ embarked on the famous night journey and ascension, also known as Shab-e-Meraj. 

The night journey and ascension of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a miraculous occurrence during which he traveled from Makkah to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem before ascending to heaven, all in one night. Isra’ is the night journey from Makkah to Masjid Al-Aqsa. Mi’raj is the journey from Masjid Al-Aqsa to the heavens.

It was when the Prophet ﷺ was first given the five prescribed daily prayers. He also led the other Prophets in prayer and met some of them. Many extraordinary sights were witnessed by the Prophet ﷺ on this journey. It was also a test of faith for the Believers at the time and an opportunity for the true Believers to shine.

The following ruba’i (poem) was written by Shaykh Saadi Shirazi and is found in the introduction to his famous book of Tasawwuf i.e. “Gulistan”. This most famous poem covers the event of Al-Isra wal-Mir’aaj of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.


Balaghal-‘ula bi-Kamaali-hi
Kashafad-duja bi-Jamaali-hi
Hasunat jamee’u Khisaali-hi
Sallu ‘AlAin-hi wa Aalihi


He attained exaltation by His perfection.
He dispelled darkness by His beauty.
Beauteous are all His qualities,
Benediction be on Him and on His family.

There is a very interesting event behind the completion of this ruba’i.

When Shaykh Saadi wrote this ruba’i he was not getting the last line which would complete the ruba’i. He was not satisfied and was really worried about its completion. He delved into questions like; what is lacking; why I’m not able to complete the last line and as he was immersed in these thoughts, he slept. What Shaykh Saadi saw in his dream was unbelievable. He found himself at the court of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ surrounded by Sahaba Karam (RA).

The Prophet ﷺ asked Shaykh Saadi about his worries that were disturbing his mind. Shaykh Saadi replied by saying that, “Ya Rasulullah ﷺ I have written a ruba’i in Your praise but I am not getting the last line.” The Beloved Prophet ﷺ replied, “Read it here what have you written.”

Shaykh Sadi read the following lines; and got stuck

Balaghal ula bikamaalihi
He [Muhammad ﷺ ] reached the highest place by his Perfection.

Kasha fad-dujaa bijamaalihi
He removed darkness by his Beauty.

Hasunat jami’u khisaalihi
Beautiful are all his Attainments

Our Beloved Prophet ﷺ then completed the ruba’i by saying “Sallu ‘alayhi wa aalihi” (Send blessings to Him and his Family). This is how Shaykh Saadi was able to complete this beautiful ruba’i which is now recited a lot as a part of Islamic culture and sending blessings on Prophet ﷺ.

Majesty | 48” x 60” is an ode to our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and to the musing poetry of Shaykh Saadi.

This Gold on Viridian watercolor and gouache painting is done in Arabic Thuluth script.

Isn’t it beautiful to know the context behind this persian ruba’i? Let us know what you think!